Category Archives: Children and Money

KidTrek: Church Based After School Programs – Delayed Gratification and Critical Thinking

I was at a center one afternoon when the store was open.  The kids stood in line awaiting their turn to enter the store.  I was sitting to the side of the line with the director.

As Thomas walked up the director addressed him, “Hey Thomas have you bought your ticket to go to the snow next weekend?

“No,”  came the almost whispered response.

“Well do you want to go to the snow?” the director asked.

“Yes,” hesitantly and again barely whispered.

“If you don’t buy your ticket today you won’t be able to go the snow with us.  You better get that ticket today.”  the director challenged.

“But, but I only have this amount of money and I’ve been saving to buy that Erector set and I really really want it, if I buy the ticket I won’t have the money for the Erector set,” Thomas rambled without stopping.

“Okay, I understand,” the director said. “But let’s think this through.  If you buy the Erector set today you can’t go to the snow; but what if you buy your ticket to go to the snow, how long will it take to earn enough money to get the Erector set?”

There was silence for a moment as Thomas thought.  “Maybe a couple of weeks.”

“So see you can have both, even if it means you have to wait a while for the Erector set.”

Thomas bought the ticket to the snow that day.  More importantly Thomas learned to think critically.  He learned that through delayed gratification in one area you can gain even more in the big scheme of things.

Each center has a complete banking system which includes:

  • checking accounts; each kid has his own check book, and savings accounts – with interest.
  • Some centers have Christmas saving accounts where the kids can earn a higher interest.
  • The kids are also taught to tithe their money.
    • The bucks they give as a tithe is then used to purchase something for a needy family, for a preschool, etc..

 KidTrek Bucks are treated like real money.  If it is lost or stolen it is not replaced – even if mom washes your pants and your money gets destroyed the bank does not replace it. 

 Responsibility is taught.  Kids learn to care for their money and how it is handled – it is rarely left just laying out on a table.

Child Discipleship: A Scripture Memorization Ministry Plan

(I am now writing in regard to Children’s Ministry at  I will continue writing in regard to Christian After School Programs here at

Hugo approached the director’s office asking, “May I quote a memory verse to you?”

“Sure,” Vonnie responded, with a thrill in her voice.

“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds,for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. James 1:2

Hugo proudly continued . . .

It’s a good thing I memorized that verse. A kid was calling me names today and getting in my face. I kept saying this verse to myself and kept my arms at my sides . . .

“ . . . Miss Vonnie, I was steadfast.”

What a difference when kids apply the Word of God into their everyday lives.

But if Hugo hadn’t memorized that verse the week before he wouldn’t have had it on his heart when he needed it.

Scripture memorization is a vital part of discipling children whole-istically. Sunday Plus Curriculum encourages churches to set up a Scripture Memorization Ministry which eventually engages the entire church (or almost entire church).


Children will have one verse a month to memorize.  The verse will relate to the concept they are learning on Sunday morning.

Why only one verse a month?

  • Children have a tendency to memorize a verse on the way to church Sunday morning and forget it on the way home. Working on a verse for a whole month, saying it weekly to the Memory Verse Specialists and then continuing to say it in the months to come it won’t be easily forgotten.
  • Kids are taught the meaning of the verse in the Midweek Celebration.
  • The current month’s verse may be recited to the Memory Verse Specialists between services.

Children earn Bucks for memorizing the verses.

  • Children will receive additional Bucks as they retain verses and recite each of the previous month’s verses.
    • Children say past months’ verses at home to their parents.
    • The parents sign a voucher which the child turns in on Sunday morning to the Memory Verse Specialists.
  • The Memory Verse Specialist gives the child the allotted number of Bucks when the child quotes that month’s verse between services.
  • Vouchers can be picked up at the Memory Verse tables each Sunday.
    • They could also be passed out in The Shema Focus.
    • Children may say their verses and turn in the vouchers every week.

If a parent or other adult (must always be the same adult) accompany the child to the Memory Verse Specialist and can quote that month’s verse, the child receives extra KidTrek Bucks.

  • Adults may quote the verse in the translation in which they learned it.
  • An adult can quote the verse for only one child.
    • If there are four children in a family the father can quote for one child and the mother for a second child.
    • Children three and four will need to recruit other adults in the church to be their scripture memorization partners.
      • This again engages more of the church body in the discipleship of children.
      • Children are connecting with more adults in the church.

4 year olds through 2nd graders may memorize an abbreviated verse.

  • A “slash” is placed in the verse to indicate the portion they are to memorize.
  • Encourage them to memorize the entire verse if they are able.
  • Parents should also make adjustments for children with learning disabilities.


  • A child receives 5 Bucks for each verse quoted.
  • A child receives 5 Bucks for an adult who quotes the present month’s verse.
  • A child receives 5 Bucks for each past verse s/he quotes to parents and returns the voucher.
  • When two verses are given for a month and the child learns both verses, s/he receives 5 Bucks for each verse

Parental Voucher

If you would like a “Sample Voucher”  Then scroll down to the Scripture Memorization Plan pdf

Child Discipleship – Scripture Memorization Games

By Wanda Parker

(I am now blogging on Children’s Ministry at  I will continue blogging on Christian After School Programs at this site.)

It is vital that we assist kids in memorizing scripture. We never know how long we will have easy access to the Bible.

I remember hearing the story of Brother Andrew meeting with a group of pastors to discuss how the church should prepare to go underground. The response of the pastors was that this is ridiculous, this will never happen in “our country.” The following weekend the country fell to communists and it was illegal to have a Bible.

Be sure the kids understand the verse they are memorizing before playing the games.

Here are a few game to use to encourage kids as they memorize scriptures.

Dizzy Drop

Materials: a penny, blindfold, small pieces of paper with 1,000; 2,000;3,000; 4,000; 5,000   written on them


  • Decide the teams you will use for this game, Primary or Secondary.
  • Lay out the numbered pieces of paper on the floor


  • Select a volunteer from the first team to quote the verse from memory.
  • If she is able to correctly quote the verse she is blindfolded, spun around and given the penny to drop.
  • Her team receives the points closest to where the penny dropped.
  • If she is unable to correctly quote the verse she does not get any points.
  • Next select a volunteer from the second team to quote the verse from memory.
  • To go faster have a kid quote the verse to one Discipler while a second Discipler is supervising the spin and drop.
  • Don’t forget to give out Spirit Points for participation, encouraging other players, sitting quietly when it isn’t your turn.


Materials: a plate per team, a penny per team, copies of the verses

  • A Discipler from an opposing team works with a team.
  • The Discipler lays the dish down approximately 6ft.from the player.
  • The Discipler asks the player to quote the verse.
  • If she is able to quote the verse she is allowed to toss the penny.
  • If the penny lands in the plate that team gets a point.
  • The players may keep studying the verse when it is not their turn.
  • Make sure everyone goes home with a copy of the verse.

Duck Duck Verse

Materials: copy of The Ten Commandments for each kid


  • Give each kid a sheet with the verse written on it.
  • Give them a couple of minutes to study.
  • Play the game in the two big teams from recreation.
  • One player from each team is chosen to be “IT”
  • “IT” goes around the circle tapping each player on the head and saying, “Duck, Duck Duck, Verse.”
  • The player whose head is tapped “Verse” stands and chases “IT.”
  • If “IT” makes it around to the space of the player he tagged then “Verse” must say the verse.
  • If “VERSE” tags “IT” before getting to the vacant spot then “IT” must say the verse.
  • If the player is able to say the verse their team gets 1,000 points.
  • Give teams points for cheering on their players.

What’s The Next Word

Materials: a set of cards for each team, each set will have one word written on                            each  card, the reference stands as one word


  • Determine if this will be played in Primary Teams or Secondary Teams.
  • This is played similar to a relay.
  • All the word cards are laid at one end of the room and scrambled.
  • Teams are at the opposite end of the room.
  • When the adult says “GO” the first person from each team runs down and finds the first word of the verse.
  • She then runs back to his team and lays the word down.
  • The second player then runs down and looks for the second word, runs back and lays his word down.
  • If a wrong word is brought back the player must return to find the correct word.
  • The team to win is the first team to have laid its verse(s) out correctly.

More Games Click Here

In this PDF are a list of games to review the verses they’ve learned in the past year  Memory Verse Review

Child Discipleship – What Are The Priorities Within Your Children’s Ministry?

By Wanda Parker

Whether you’ve thought about it or not every Children’s Ministry has a set of priorities. A visitor might be more aware of what the priorities are than the Children’s Pastor/Director. Observe the gatherings throughout your children’s ministry this coming week. Then …



Jesus Christ

Bible Knowledge


Memory Verses

I will give you my priorities next week. As a Children’s Pastor this was one of the first exercises I took Children’s Ministry volunteers through.


Child Discipleship – What do kids need today to become…

My previous post asked the question, “Who Do You Want A Child To Be When he Is 40?” The next question that has to be asked is, “What does the kid need today so he will grow into the man I pray he will become.?”




  • Provide opportunity for parents to learn what their children are learning so they can continue at home what was begun at church.
  • Provide take home tool for parents to use to disciple their children at home on the concept the child was introduced to at church.
  • Think of the church as a family – we are the Family of God.
    • Families meet needs – provide spiritual, emotional, physical, social, mental support to families as needed.
    • Discipleship Plans
      • This is a tool that was created for “Secondary Nurturers” to use with children from at-risk families whose kids are in after school ministries. However, a Secondary Nurturer looked it over and said, “My husband and I have never thought of some of these areas for our own children. I’m going to use this.”
      • Such a tool can be created for Christian parents to use as a brainstorming tool to think of areas in the nurture of their children they may be missing.
  • Parenting classes
  • Parenting tips


  • Family Plans for families with extreme needs.
    • Again this is a tool I first designed while training churches to work with at-risk inner city families. Then in going through the KidTrek Training a Children’s Director said, “We have a couple of families who are members of our church who could use this type of ministry.”
  • The church makes known that it has teams who will work with a family to assist them in moving out of difficult situations.
    • The family works with the team to develop a plan to move them out of the “situation” in which they find themselves.
    • If within the church its self there are not the needed resources (such as a lawyer) then the team will search the community for one who is willing to do pro bono work.

(I could add a lot more but this has gotten long. If you have questions don’t hesitate to contact me. I love to brainstorm with others who are committed to children walking with Jesus.)

Child Discipleship – Who Do You Want A Child To Be When He is 40?

As we pray, plan, develop and implement ministry for children it is vital that we stop and ask who we want that child to be when he is an adult.

I believe asking this question will make a big difference in how we do ministry to children.

Below is my beginning list. I’m sure it will grow and change – if I’ve missed something let me know.


A fully devoted follower of the Triune God
In response to his love for Jesus strives to obey – knowing he will continually fall
Daily admits brokenness, yet always sees hope and worth in Jesus
Self-talk is an on-going conversation with God
Loves God and Loves his neighbor
Knows God and Knows His Power
A studier of God’s Word  Deuteronomy 6
Discerner of Truth – does not compromise Truth
Boldness for Christ
Evidence of the Fruit of the Spirit in his/her life
Walks with God and is Blameless Genesis 17:1
Biblical worldview
Actively involved in a God honoring, Bible based church
Uses His Spiritual Gift to the glory of God
Recognizes that apart from God he can do nothing of worth


God confidence
Secure based on relationship with Christ
Not fearful of emotions
Is able to express emotions in healthy ways
Knows Source of healing for woundedness and goes immediately to  the Source for healing
Full of joy and peace
Emotionally strong – able to persevere
Able to trust


Respect for others
Leadership skills
Good relationship with parents and siblings
Solid peer group of believers
Healthy relationship with more mature believers
Willing to get involved in the messiness of others’ lives
Godly humility in relationships
A care for the needy
Sexually pure
Godly use of finances/resources


Biblical Worldview
Mind of Christ
A continual learner
Critical Thinking Skills
Planning skills
Minimum of a high school diploma


Treats body as temple of God
Makes good choices
Dresses appropriately, I Timothy 2:9

Once you know who you want a child to become – how do you get him to that place? Click here for some thoughts

Child Discipleship – Connecting Church and Home

By Wanda Parker

The final element (to learn of all 5 elements see previous four posts) of Sunday Plus Curriculum provides parents a tool to use in the home for on-going discipleship of their children. The concept that has been taught at church all week continues to be taught and APPLIED at home – with mom and dad taking the lead.

See an actual Family Discipleship lesson here

family discipleship

activity and discussion

Each week an activity is suggested – something to get parents and kids physically involved in the concept of the week. Kids’ are created to be active if Family Devotions only involve reading the Bible it can be a turn off (it was for me as a child).

The activity is followed by a discussion which gets the family into the scripture. Then the family wrestles with how it will be applied.

spirit moments

Spirit Moments are about bringing God’s truth to reality in the ordinary circumstances of life.The Holy Spirit continually provides parents teachable moments – these often are the most lasting teachings our children will receive – however, we must be on the alert for them. Each week parents are given an “alert” to watch for such moments that pertain to the concept the family is learning that week.

parenting tips

Parenting Tips are written by Wanda Parker, Founder/Director of KidTrek, from her experience as a Children’s/Family Pastor, but more importantly her experience of raising three children who today have their own families all of whom walk with the Lord.

See an actual Family Discipleship lesson here.

Child Discipleship – Midweek Celebrations Curriculum

By Wanda Parker

(I am now Blogging on Children’s Ministry at   Go there for more information on Sunday Plus Curriculum.)

This is the third post in a series of five describing KidTrek’s new Sunday Plus Curriculum. If you have missed the posts on Sunday School and Children’s Church click back two posts.

Every element of the curriculum is about equipping The Church to provide intentional, individualist discipleship for every child in the church.

To see an actual Kids’ Midweek Celebration lesson click here

Kids’ Midweek Celebration is designed to be just that – a celebration!


Read description in post on Kids’ Corporate Worship


Kids who were at church on Sunday share what they learned Sunday with those who weren’t there Sunday. They also may be challenged to think of someone who needs to hear about the Biblical truth taught that week – how would they tell that person about this story/truth?

Celebrate God’s Word Within Me

They go over the month’s Memory Verse and play a fun game to continue their learning. Scripture Memorization is one of the places where the whole church gets involved with the kids. There is a purpose for just one verse a month. I will post this ministry in a few weeks. Verses are continually tied in throughout the curriculum.

Celebrate Truth or Desire

Kids tell their Trek Team a story of how they have applied the Biblical TRUTH of that week since Sunday OR they tell a story of a DESIRE of how they would like to apply it. The Trek Team then decides if the person was telling a TRUTH or DESIRE. Then there is celebration for what has been applied and prayer for the desires.

Celebrate In Recreation

A fun time, an opportunity to see if kids truly are applying the Biblical truths they are learning. An opportunity for kids to learn that Jesus cares about every aspect of our lives. He is with us, He is observing us no matter what we are doing. When we are having a good time He cares about us.

To see an actual Kids’ Midweek Celebration curriculum click here.

Child Discipleship – Children’s Church

By Wanda Parker

We have the opportunity to train up children to participate in corporate worship. I believe it is imperative that we do it at a level a child will become engaged and at the same time prepare them for that day they will worship as adults.

To see a sample lesson of Kids’ Corporate Worship click here


Each lesson includes


The term Nook is used here because we want this opening time to be as warm and inviting as the kitchen nook at grandma’s house on a sunny morning with the smell of donuts frying.

An adult is at the door to greet the kids and direct them to other adults who are on the floor ready to engage the kids in a few fun questions. The questions are non-threatening and have nothing to do with the Bible (this may be a child’s first time in any activity at church). The questions do provide more knowledge to the Disciplers of who the kids are.

There is also a simple game to play as more kids arrive.


Four or five songs are suggested that will tie into the Biblical concept being taught.


It is suggested that the liturgy used in adult church be followed during this time.


A skit is presented which is a modern living out of the scripture that was presented in Kids’ Bible Focus (Sunday School Hour).

After the skit the kids get in their Trek Teams with their Disciplers. Kids who were in Kids’ Bible Focus are given the opportunity to share the Bible story to get the kids caught up who weren’t there the first hour. Then the Discipler pulls the Bible lesson and the skit together with a series of questions.


God made kids to move, in recreation they have the opportunity to move – a lot!

However, the games are much more than just having fun. In recreation you can observe how much the kids are internalizing the Biblical truths they have been learning. After a game there is always a time of Debriefing.

It is an opportunity to teach the kids that Biblical truths apply in every aspect of our lives. We can be talking to Jesus no matter what we are doing. He is interested in everything we do – even when are are playing Steal The Bacon.

You can see an actual lesson here

To see a Kids’ Bible Focus lesson go here

Child Discipleship – Using Bucks/Banking in Discipleship

By Wanda Parker


Bucks are used throughout Sunday Plus Curriculum (click here to learn about Sunday Plus Curriculum) to motivate and encourage kids, but more importantly to teach kids how to use money. It is also a great tool in teaching critical thinking, reasoning, responsibility, budgeting and delayed gratification.

Each church must make its own decision as to the extent to which they will use the Bucks/Banking Tool. A church may use every element suggested below or they may use only the Bucks and store. A church may want to begin with a simple Bucks/Banking program and then move into a more sophisticated ministry/program.

Sunday Plus Curriculum’s goal is to disciple the whole child – spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, social. The Bible gives us more than 800 scriptures pertaining to money. The way we handle money speaks to our heart obedience to God.

“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.” Matthew 6:24

What greater time than childhood to learn the truths pertaining to money. Some parents are great at giving allowances and training their children how to manage money; others have no clue how to even begin. You may have parents who represent the whole spectrum. Your decision on how to use this component ofSunday Plus Curriculum will be determined by the families you serve.

Kids will earn Bucks in Kids’ Bible Focus, Kids’ Corporate Worship and Kids’ Weekday Celebration. Each kid is responsible for the care of his/her own Bucks. If Bucks are lost or stolen that is the responsibility of the kid to whom the Bucks belonged. If they were stolen and the child who stole them is discovered then s/he is disciplined. As the kids earn their bucks, give them the option of keeping their money or turning it in at the bank. If mom washes a pair of pants and Bucks have been left in the pants and destroyed that is the child’s loss. Bucks are no more replaceable than real money is replaceable. You wouldn’t go into a bank and say, “I washed my clothes and my 100 dollar bill was torn to shreds, please give me another 100 dollar bill.”

The reality of life is that each of us goes through difficult circumstances. The earlier in life we experience and thus learn reality the easier it is. Childhood is a time of preparation for adulthood. If a child is not prepared for what is to come s/he will have a difficult life.

Each month when the store is open the kids can bring all their money and:

  • Deposit all in the bank.
  • Deposit some in the bank and keep some out to spend.
  • Spend all the money they have at the store.
  • Spend some and take the rest home choosing not to use the bank.

Bank Accounts: You can set up different types.

  • Checking account on which they can write a check at any time.
  • Savings account – it must stay in for a certain length of time but interest will be paid.
  • Christmas account – money can only be withdrawn during December of each year; a higher interest is paid.

Store: once a month have a store opened where kids can purchase a variety of items. Be sure to have some high end items that the kids will have to save their Bucks for. This teaches delayed gratification as well as critical thinking skills.

Tithe – it is important to teach the kids your church’s teaching on the tithe and offerings.  Create ways for kids to give back to God on a regular basis.  Kids can give during the offering in Kids’ Corporate Worship and a Tithe Bucket can be placed in the store. Think of other times and places – you may have a special collection for something during Kids’ Bible Focus or Kids’ Weekday Celebration. Ask the Lord to show you ways He wants you to train up the kids in management of money. Following is a note a Children’s Pastor wrote the parents introducing the Tithing concept.

“Up to this point, unless your child has a job or gets some type of allowance, the only money s/he is able to give at church is what you give him/her. Now that the kids have somewhat “tasted” the store, the concept of tithing will be all that much more real for them. Not only will it take a step of faith and belief for them to give from what they have, but as we can all relate to as adults, tithing sometimes means the difference between being able to get something we want, or not. In addition, we will be giving the kids the opportunity to decide as a group what those bucks “given” will be used to donated from their store to a local ‘cause’.”

The Bucks they give may be used to purchase something for the Infant/Toddler’s Room at the church, or food purchased for the local food bank, or flowers bought and taken to a convalescent home, etc..  Let the kids think of places to give. Figure the money that would have been used to purchase items for the store is diverted to pay for the tithe items.

Pay for all outings: The kids pay for anything they do beyond the normal ministry. Even if parents pay with “real money” for a trip to an amusement park the kids pay with their “Bucks.” If they bring a friend who doesn’t have Bucks they pay for the friend. Also an offering can be taken for guests. This challenges kids on a number of levels. Where is their heart in relation to their Bucks?

Be sure your Disciplers are trained to talk all this through with the kids.

Each church can create their own checks to match the theme of their children’s ministry. Sample checks are at the end of Addendum A.

Also included are check register pages.  Each kid should have one register for each account they have.

Introduce Bucks the first Sunday and weekday. At that time do a simple introduction of how they earn Bucks and that the store is going to be open once a month. For deeper explanation of the Banking system choose a week when you will present the whole program during each of the children’s gathering times.

Present the same material that week to The Shema Focus gathering(s) with further teaching on what the Bible says about money. For a resource see

Presentation to Kids:

  • Your church’s teaching on tithes and offerings.
  • Go through step by step how they use their checkbook.
    • Make using a checkbook a privilege by saving it for Older Kids only – you decide what ages.
  • On the day that you introduce the concept of banking, open the bank and allow them to deposit money.  Then make sure that they record it properly.
  • Be sure they know that if they write a check at the store for more money than they have in their checking account, they will have to pay a fine.  Be sure you know what the fine will be.

Think through what interest you will pay in the saving accounts